Turbulence and Combustion Group

LES/FDF computations of turbulent combustion

In current research, the capability of performing LES/FDF/ISAT computations of turbulent flames is developed. The LES/FDF approach for turbulent combustion offers the benefits of both large eddy simulation (LES) to treat the turbulent flow, and the PDF approach to treat turbulence-chemistry interactions (in terms of the filtered density function, FDF). The in situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT) algorithm, which greatly facilities the incorporation of realistic combustion chemistry, makes the LES/FDF simulation of turbulent combustion with realistic chemistry feasible. In comparison to Reynolds averaged simulations, the LES/FDF/ISAT methodology provides a more detailed description of turbulent reacting flows and is able to predict the compositional structure of the flame. Recently, a particle formulation for treating differential diffusion in filltered density function method is developed, a new fluid particle tracking algorithm is designed.

False-color image of the chemical species OH in a turbulent mixing layer between cold hydrogen and hot air.

Selected Publications on LES/FDF/ISAT Computations of Turbulent Combustion

R. McDermott and S.B. Pope, (2007) ``A particle formulation for treating differential diffusion in filtered density function methods'', Journal of Computational Physics (submitted)

L. Lu, Z. Ren, V. Raman, S.B. Pope and H. Pitsch (2004) ``LES/FDF/ISAT computations of turbulent flames,'' Proceedings of the Summer Program 2004, Center For Turbulence Research, 283-294.

L. Lu, Z. Ren, S.R. Lantz, V. Raman, S.B. Pope and H. Pitsch (2005) ``Investigation of strategies for the parallel implementation of ISAT in LES/FDF/ISAT computations,'' 4th Joint Meeting of the U. S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Philadelphia, PA.