ice-pic: A library of Fortran 90 routines for using the dimension reduction methods RCCE and ICE-PIC with ISAT
Zhuyin Ren, Varun Hiremath, Stephen B. Pope, December 2009
ice-pic is a library of Fortran 90 routines for using the dimension reduction methods RCCE and ICE-PIC with ISAT. It implements the ICE-PIC method described in the paper "The ICE-PIC method for the dimension reduction of chemical kinetics" by Z. Ren, S.B. Pope, A. Vladimirsky and J.M. Guckenheimer (2006), Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 114111.
The ice-pic software may be downloaded and used for non-commercial academic and government research. It may not be re-distributed. In publications based on the use of this implementation, we request that, in addition to the paper, you also reference this website, i.e., "ice-pic: A library of Fortran 90 routines for using the dimension reduction methods RCCE and ICE-PIC with ISAT", Zhuyin Ren, Varun Hiremath, Stephen B. Pope, (2009),
All the ice-pic routines are contained in the file
These routines are provided to show how ICE-PIC and related methods have been implemented. By themselves they cannot be compiled and used, because they depend on other routines (Chemkin II and ISAT-CK) which are not in the public domain. A report describing the numerical implementation is expected to be available in the near future.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CBET-0426787.